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artists easel

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:18 am
by sunnybob
I made one of these last year for my wife, not sure if I posted it here or not, but another artist friend came by and liked it so much I had to make one for her.
Its whats known as an "H" frame, which allows the artist to sit on a chair and slide up close to the canvas.
The sliding clamp will take canvases from small right up to 4ft high.
It folds flat for storage, and has two angle settings,70 degrees for sitting and 80 degrees for standing. The paint pot tray lifts off, again for easy storage.

Made from Beech, 2" x 1/2" cross section and all joints half lapped and two dowels through each.

Re: artists easel

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:55 am
by Stick486
nicely done Bob... KUDOS...

Re: artists easel

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 8:00 am
by sunnybob
Thanks (and for rotating the pics as well) :D

Re: artists easel

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:09 am
by honesttjohn
I like it!!