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Poor man's saw tooth setter

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 12:17 pm
by Cherryville Chuck
I recently purchased an old euro style frame saw. It's sharp now but eventually I'll need to sharpen it so I've been looking at saw sets when I came across this video by Paul Sellers. I love watching his videos because he comes up with simple cheap solutions to problems instead of throwing money at them. This first video is about using a common wood screw to set saw teeth. It seems so crude that it's hard to believe it would work but his results speak for themselves.

In this second video he uses a nail setter to hammer the teeth into set. This is a method that was probably commonly used back before there were circ saws on job sites and everything was built with hand tools. At the end of the video he shows a way of reducing the set if you used a little too much gusto setting them in the first place. In another sharpening topic it suggests stroking a diamond hone along the side of the teeth and that is probably the way I would go. The hone also evens out the set from tooth to tooth so that each tooth is cutting the same as the next as it would tend to take off more metal on a high tooth and less or nothing on a low tooth.